Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation works with three-pronged objectives to ensure effective use of Water Resources, inclusiveness and sustainability. So far the following interventions have been made:
- Out of a total irrigable area of 140 M.Ha., irrigation potential of 112.8 M.Ha. has been created. Out of this 88 M.Ha. is currently being utilised.
- 20.5 M.Ha. of Command Area has been developed through the CAD-WM Scheme of MoWR.
- During XI Plan, 2100 Water Bodies restored with irrigation potential of 0.92 lakh hectare.
- The proposals for inter-linking of 16 links under Himalayan component and 14 links under Peninsular component are under consideration.
The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation is focusing on the programmes, which have a direct bearing on the life of the common people of the country.
Inter-Linking of Rivers
§ The work relating to Inter Linking of Rivers is in operation since 1982. Renewed thrust to Inter-Linking of Rivers (ILR) has been imparted. In 2014, first ILR project of Ken-Betwa has been initiated. The Ken – Betwa link project would have a dam on river Ken along with 221 Km Link Canal, provide annual irrigation to 6.35 Lakh Hectare, supply drinking water to 13.42 lakh people and generate 78 MW hydropower in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
§ A Special Committee on ILR, under the chairpersonship of Union Minister (WR) has been constituted, to oversee the work of ILR.
Rejuvenation of River Ganga
The work of Ganga Rejuvenation has been transferred to this Ministry vide Gazette notification dated 1.8.2014. Ganga and its tributaries have been brought under one umbrella. Rejuvenation of Ganga has been prioritised as “restoration of its wholesomeness by ensuring ‘aviral dhara’ and ‘nirmal dhara’ as also its ecological and geological integrity. Following major initiatives have been taken to rejuvenate Ganga:
§ National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) has been expanded by including Minister (WR, RD and GR) as vice-chairman and also other Ministers concerned with wholesome development of Ganga.
§ Improved coordination among various ministries through Group of Secretaries (GoS) setup on 6.6.2014; The GoS has held 10 meetings and submitted its report on 28.08.2014.
§ The First National Dialogue i.e ‘Ganga Manthan’ was held on 7th of July 2014; more than 500 spiritual leaders of all beliefs, academicians & technocrats, NGOs & Environmentalists, and Policy makers & implementers actively participated in the deliberations. To facilitate inflow of ideas, suggestions and involvement of people, a website of NMCG has been launched on 12th of September 2014.
§ A committee of Additional Secretaries of Mo(WR, RD&GR) and MoEF&CC constituted to recommend on provisional environmental flow;
§ A Committee constituted to revise existing guidelines on sand mining by MoEF&CC;
§ Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun has been requested to prepare a plan for afforestation and Conservation of Flora
§ In collaboration with National Medicinal Plants Board a strategy is being finalized for conservation of medicinal plants in the upper reaches of Ganga.
§ A project has been undertaken for identification of special properties of Ganga Jal, water quality monitoring and sediment analysis through National Environmental Engineering Research Institute.
§ A three member technical committee comprising Director, NEERI, Secretary CPCB and Prof. Vinod Tare, IIT, Kanpur constituted to study and recommend suitable technologies for pollution abatement in river Ganga.
Technology Upgradation
§ The management of river water system is being modernised with the use of latest technology. Hydrology Project-III is being launched with World Bank Assistance for developing Decision Support System for modernisation of Ganga and Brahmaputra Basins, as well as other uncovered parts of the country, at a cost of Rs. 3,000 crore.
§ An ambitious National Aquifer Mapping and Management Programme (NAQUIM) has been launched entailing mapping of aquifers in an area of 8.89 lakh sq. km of the country on a scale of 1:50,000 and in 3-D. Six pilot projects ofAquifer mapping have been carried out in five States viz. Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka using advanced techniques including heliborne Transient Electromagnetic surveys for faster and accurate mapping of aquifers. This will help in managing Aquifer recharge, river bank filtration and identification of critically stressed blocks as well as identification of contaminated blocks.
§ A World Bank aided project viz. Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) is in operation. Under the project, advanced materials and simulation techniques and guidelines are being brought/evolved in the country to ensure dam safety.
§ To empower communities through well informed water related database for better research, planning, development, management in the area of water resources, under Development of Water Resources Information System (DWRIS)-a Web enabled Water Resources Information System’ named as IndiaWRIS, has been undertaken. It will add 800 new hydrological observation sites and expand monitoring of major reservoirs to 120 reservoirs.
International Cooperation
§ An agreement has been signed between India and Nepal during the recent visit of Indian Prime Minister to Nepal paving the way for constitution of Pancheshwar Development Authority. The Pancheshwar Mutipurpose Project will have an installed capacity of 5600 MW and will create an irrigation potential of 0.37 MHa (0.24 in Indian side MHa and 0.13 MHa in Nepal) at a cost of Rs. 29,704 crore (2011 prices). It will also mitigate floods in the States of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.
§ Implementation Plan with China was revised on June 30, 2014 to receive extended hydrological information of Yaluzangbu /Brahmaputra rivers from 15th May to 15th October every year.
§ MoU with Australia for cooperation in the field of water resources has also been signed recently.
India Water Week 2015
§ The Third edition of India Water Week has been scheduled for policy dialogue, stakeholder’s consultation and will showcase innovation through exhibition on “Water Management for Sustainable Development” during 13-17 January, 2015 at New Delhi.
§ All aspects relating to water management for sustainable – agriculture, drinking water supply, urbanisation, industrial and energy development to be discussed. A large participation of international experts is expected.
§ Australia and Israel have agreed to be the main partner countries. Besides States of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Sikkim etc. would be partners for organising the event. People’s participation through concurrent mass awareness programme on water conservation with focus on ‘Hamara Jila - Hamara Jal’ at all district Head quarters will be undertaken.
Future Directions
§ Nirmal and Aviral Ganga
§ Providing irrigation water to each field through creation of enhanced irrigation projects
§ Conservation of water bodies and ground water
§ Bridging the gap between irrigation potential created and utilized
§ Incentivizing the States to undertake water sector reforms.
§ National Aquifer Management Programme through community participation
§ Use of latest technology for modernization of water resources and flood management
§ Active participation of water users associations (WUAs).
§ Water Sector Schemes to be rationalized for easier implementation; effective use of water, inclusiveness and sustainability.
§ Comprehensive planning for Dam Safety.
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