Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology launched the portal of National Internet Registry (NIR) in Delhi on March 7 2013. Speaking on the occasion Shri Sibal pointed out that unless this platform is inclusive, we will not be able to empower the people. He underlined that the internet is an exceptionally powerful tool and nothing in this country should be done to emasculate the medium.
National internet Registry (NIR) is an entity which coordinates the allocation of Internet Protocol addresses with other Internet resource management function at a national level in the country. NIXI was recognized by APNIC in March 2012 to become the NIR for the country after successful demo of the indigenous software and systems developed for the allocation and management of Internet resources.
NIR functions under the overall umbrella of Regional Internet Registry(RIR) which is Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) based in Brisbane, Australia. The NIR has been named as Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers (IRINN). Collective efforts of NIXI and ISPAI have led to the formation of IRINN in the country. It is a major milestone towards setting up of Critical Internet Resource management function in the country. Setting up of NIR under NIXI will not only reduce cost in procuring IP address but will also facilitate faster access to information for cyber crime investigators and Government authorities.
Creation of NIR will help encourage/promote activities related to research, education and training covering the areas of Internet Resources and its proliferation. NIXI is a not for profit organization set up under section 25 of the companies Act 1956 for peering of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to the NIXI node for the purpose of routing the domestic traffic within the country. NIXI also operates the .IN Registry for managing the .IN Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs). Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) is a regional Internet registry which coordinates the Internet Protocol address allocations and other Internet resource management is the Asia-Pacific region.
National internet Registry (NIR) is an entity which coordinates the allocation of Internet Protocol addresses with other Internet resource management function at a national level in the country. NIXI was recognized by APNIC in March 2012 to become the NIR for the country after successful demo of the indigenous software and systems developed for the allocation and management of Internet resources.
NIR functions under the overall umbrella of Regional Internet Registry(RIR) which is Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) based in Brisbane, Australia. The NIR has been named as Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers (IRINN). Collective efforts of NIXI and ISPAI have led to the formation of IRINN in the country. It is a major milestone towards setting up of Critical Internet Resource management function in the country. Setting up of NIR under NIXI will not only reduce cost in procuring IP address but will also facilitate faster access to information for cyber crime investigators and Government authorities.
Creation of NIR will help encourage/promote activities related to research, education and training covering the areas of Internet Resources and its proliferation. NIXI is a not for profit organization set up under section 25 of the companies Act 1956 for peering of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to the NIXI node for the purpose of routing the domestic traffic within the country. NIXI also operates the .IN Registry for managing the .IN Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs). Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) is a regional Internet registry which coordinates the Internet Protocol address allocations and other Internet resource management is the Asia-Pacific region.
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