Wednesday, 23 May 2018

MoU signed between DEPwD and ALIMCO for the Financial year 2018-19

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD-Divyangjan Shashaktikaran Vibhag), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) for the Financial Year 2018-19 yesterday. It covers major developments to be achieved in this year for the Empowerment of Divyangjan of the country. The MoU was signed by Smt Shakuntala D. Gamlin, Secretary DEPwD & Shri D.R.Sarin, CMD ALIMCO. On this occasion, Dr. Prabodh Seth, Joint Secretary, DEPwD & Smt Dolly Chakraborty, Joint Secretary, DEPwD were also present.

Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities is primarily mandated with the task of empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and act as a Nodal Agency for matters pertaining to Persons with Disabilities, including ensuring effecting closer coordination among different stakeholders: related Central Ministries, State/UT Governments, NGOs etc. in disability sector. The Vision of the Department is to build an all-inclusive society, in which equal opportunities are provided for the growth and development of Persons with Disabilities so that they can lead productive, safe and dignified life.

ALIMCO is a “Not For Profit” Central Public Sector Undertaking working under the administrative control of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. For past 40 years, it has been relentlessly manufacturing various types of aids and appliances on mass scale to meet the requirements of PwDs including orthopedically, visual and hearing impaired etc. Since its inception, it has been serving on an average around two lakhs of disabled population every year and has supplied 42 lakhs of aids & appliances (approx.).

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