Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Cabinet approves USOF scheme for provision of mobile services in Meghalaya under CTDP for North Eastern Region

The Union Cabinet chaired by chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved Implementation of a Comprehensive Telecom Development Plan (CTDP) for the North Eastern Region(NER) in Meghalaya at a total estimated project cost of Rs. 3911 crore to be funded by the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) and approval of the enhanced cost of CTDP Project for NER for an amount of Rs. 8120.81 crore (Rs. 5336.18 crore already approved by the Cabinet on 10.09.2014).

Salient Features:
The Scheme entails:

Provision of 2G+4G mobile coverage in identified uncovered areas of the State of Meghalaya; and

Provision of 2G+4G seamless mobile coverage along the National Highways in Meghalaya.


Strengthening of telecom network will result in increase the penetration of mobile connectivity in Meghalaya resulting in affordable and equitable access of communication, information and governance to people.

Providing access to public mobile network to hitherto unreached people of Meghalaya will empower citizens with benefits of ICTs for furthering socio-economic developments.

The innovative skill of uncovered areas will increase through broadband and internet access.


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