Monday 21 October 2013

Joint Statement on the 14th India-Russia Annual Summit: Deepening the Strategic Partnership for Global Peace and Stability

The Prime Minister of the Republic of India, H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh, paid an official visit to the Russian Federation on 20-22 October 2013, at the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Vladimir V. Putin. President of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Vladimir V. Putin and Prime Minister of India, H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh held talks in Moscow. 

2. The President of the Russian Federation and the Prime Minister of India welcomed the continuing momentum of high-level bilateral contacts and intense dialogues that had taken place during the year, between the National Security Councils, the Foreign Offices and the various Ministries and Departments of the two countries. They discussed priority areas of bilateral cooperation and noted common positions on current international and regional issues. Both sides stressed their continued commitment to promote and strengthen in every possible way their special and privileged strategic partnership. 

3. The sides noted a number of productive visits held this year at ministerial level to promote bilateral cooperation. These included the visits to Russia of H.E. Mr S Khurshid, External Affairs Minister (in April and October, 2013), H.E. Mr S K Shinde, Home Minister (in April, 2013), H.E. Mr A Sharma, Minister of Commerce & Industry (in April, June and September, 2013), and H.E. Mr P Chidambaram, Finance Minister (in July 2013). 

4. The sides welcomed the enhanced bilateral parliamentary exchanges and particularly, the visit by Chairperson of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Ms Valentina I. Matvienko to India in February, 2013. 

Promoting trade and investment ties 

5. The sides expressed satisfaction at the record level of bilateral trade of over US $ 11 billion reached in 2012. 

6. The sides agreed that investment collaboration was an important component of economic cooperation, which could also help in increasing bilateral investment and trade. They welcomed the identification of priority investment projects on both sides as an outcome of the first meeting of the India-Russia Working Group on Priority Investment Projects. They noted the successful outcomes of the 2nd session of India-Russia Working Group on Modernization and Industrial Cooperation held in Moscow, where both sides acknowledged their mutual desire to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in areas like civil aviation; chemical and fertilizer industry; mining; and automobiles. 

7. The sides welcomed increasing business interactions, as demonstrated by the successful traditional round table "Russia-India Business Dialogue" organized in the framework of the 17th Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 20, 2013, and the seventh India-Russia Forum on Trade and Investment, also held in St. Petersburg, on September 20, 2013. They also welcomed the two meetings in 2013 of the reconstituted Chief Executive Officers Council, which was working out sectors and opportunities for greater business cooperation. 

8. The sides underlined the significant potential for cooperation in such sectors as oil and gas, pharmaceutical and medical industry, infrastructure, mining, automobiles, fertilizers, aviation, as well as in modernization of industrial facilities located in the two countries. 

9. The sides stressed the importance of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation (IGC) functioning as a key mechanism for developing bilateral interaction in the economic and investment fields. They noted the positive outcomes of the nineteenth session of the IGC held in Moscow on October 4, 2013. 

10. The sides agreed to work towards the creation of a Joint Study Group for studying the possibility of signing a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) between India and the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. They noted that this matter was currently under the consideration of the Eurasian Economic Commission. 

Energy cooperation 

11. The sides reaffirmed their commitment to implement the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of India on the Enhancement of Cooperation in Oil and Gas Sector concluded on December 21, 2010. 

12. The sides noted the importance of cooperation in order to organize long-term supplies of hydrocarbons to India from Russia, conducive to strengthening India's energy security and diversification of energy exports from Russia through LNG supplies to India. The sides expressed satisfaction with the dynamic development of cooperation between JSC Gazprom and Indian companies to organize long term supplies of LNG to India from the Gazprom Group portfolio. 

13. Both sides also agreed to explore the possibilities of direct transportation of hydrocarbons from Russia to India through the land route. The sides agreed to set up a Joint Study Group in this regard. 

14. The Indian side expressed OVL's interest in participating along with Russian companies in exploration for hydrocarbons in the Arctic region. 

15. The sides welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Energy Efficiency between FSBO Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency of India. 

16. The sides noted with satisfaction the progress in regard to the commissioning of Unit-1 of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant and agreed to take necessary steps to expedite the completion of Unit-2. The sides also agreed to expeditiously finalise the General Framework Agreement and the Techno-Commercial Offer for Units- 3 & 4 of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. The sides reaffirmed their commitment to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the construction of additional nuclear power plant units at Kudankulam site as well as in the construction of Russian designed Nuclear Power Plants at new sites in the Republic of India, concluded on December 5, 2008; the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes and the Road Map for the Serial Construction of the Russian designed Nuclear Power Plants in the Republic of India, concluded on March 12, 2010. 

17. The sides emphasized the need to facilitate cooperation among power sector companies of both the countries for modernization of existing power plants and construction of new power plants in India. 

18. The sides expressed satisfaction with the signing of the Vladivostok Ministerial Declaration and Plan of Action on Regional Cooperation for Enhanced Energy Security and the Sustainable Use of Energy in Asia and the Pacific, 2014-18. 

Cooperation in Science and Technology 

19. The sides noted with satisfaction progress in various on-going scientific sectors, including cooperation in Basic Sciences under DST-RFBR program and the Integrated Long-Term Program (ILTP). 

20. The sides welcomed the creation of new institutional mechanisms by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Technology of India. These mechanisms would support Indo-Russian R&D projects with potential for technology development and generation of new intellectual property. These projects would be in conformity with national priorities of both countries, as identified under 12th Five Year plan of India and the Federal Targeted Programme "Research and Development in Priority Fields of Science and Technology Complex of Russia in 2014-2020". 

Education Sector Cooperation 

21. The sides agreed to expedite finalization of the intergovernmental agreements on recognition of education documents and academic degrees in the general and the medical fields of study. They noted the constructive discussion in Moscow in October 2013 on the issue of medical degrees. 

Cultural Cooperation 

22. Both countries, possessing a rich cultural heritage and guided by the centuries-old traditions of friendship, agreed to make extensive use of each other's culture and arts, and the mutual lively interest in these. The sides expressed satisfaction at the ongoing implementation of the Cultural Exchange Program 2013-2015 between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, signed on December 24, 2012. They favoured further cooperation in the field of culture and the arts, including interaction between the major museums of both the countries. 

23. Both sides commended the high level of goodwill and mutual appreciation of culture at the people-to people level. They welcomed the increasing people-to-people contacts between the two countries, including the flow of tourists, which increased by over 20 percent in each of the past two years. 

24. The sides appreciated the organisation of the Festival of Russian Culture in India in 2012 and the ongoing Festival of Indian Culture in Russiain 2013. They also agreed tocontinue holding regular Russian cultural festivals in Indiaand Indian cultural festivals in Russia. 

Inter-Regional Cooperation 

25. The sides recalled the Agreement for Cooperation between States and Regions of India and Russia (2000) and expressed support for enhancing exchanges between regions of both countries. The leaders also encouraged city-to-city/sister-cities cooperation with a view to promote multifaceted engagement in economy, culture, health, education and public policy at a sub-regional level between the two countries. 

Exploration of Outer Space 

26. The sides expressed their commitment to further cooperation in space activities of mutual interest. 

27. The sides supported cooperation between Russia and India within the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and agreed to advance it in a pragmatic and steady manner. In particular, they expressed mutual interest in coordinating actions with reference to the current endeavour of the Committee to work out guidelines related to ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities. 

Military and Technical Cooperation 

28. The sides emphasized that the traditionally close military and technical cooperation between the two countries was a crucial element of the strategic partnership and reflected the high level of trust between the two states. 

29. In the context of the 13th meeting of the Russian-Indian Inter-Governmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation scheduled in Moscow later this year, the sides commended regular bilateral contacts and military and technical cooperation, as well as the joint INDRA exercise conducted by the Armies of the two countries in October 2013. The sides emphasised the scope for enhancing service-to-service exchanges, training cooperation and regular exercises between their armed forces. 

30. The sides welcomed the delivery of the Russian-built frigate Trikand to India in 2013, licensed production of Su-30MKI aircraft and T-90S tanks in India, as well as successful completion of the trials of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya. The sides took note of the progress made in the field of joint design, development and production of high-technology military equipment and implementation of projects such as the construction of the fifth-generation fighter aircraft, multi-role transport aircraft and BrahMos supersonic missile. The sides agreed to enhance cooperation in the fields of rocket, missile and navaltechnologies and weapon systems. 

Coordination on International and Regional Issues 

31. The sides re-affirmed their desire to build a more stable, secure and fair system of international relations based on equal partnerships between states, the rule of international law and respect for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. They agreed to continue interaction with a view to strengthening the central role of the UN in maintaining international peace and security and ensuring steady social and economic development. The sides welcomed the scope of their cooperation within the UN and agreed to further coordinate approaches on a broad range of international and regional issues. 

32. Both sides reaffirmed the need for UN Security Council reform in order to make it more representative and effective in dealing with emerging challenges. They agreed that any expansion of the Security Council should reflect contemporary realities. In this regard, the Russian Federation reiterated its strong support to India for a permanent seat in a reformed UN Security Council. 

Combating Terrorism 

33. The sides recalled the Moscow Declaration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of India on International Terrorism signed on 6 November 2001 and reiterated that international terrorism is a threat to peace and security and a grave violation of human rights and a crime against humanity. Both sides affirmed the need to join efforts of all states to defeat terrorism. They condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and agreed that there should be no tolerance for sheltering, arming, training, or financing of terrorists. 

34. In multi-ethnic and democratic societies such as India and the Russian Federation, terrorist acts perpetrated under misleading slogans are in reality attacks on the freedom and democratic values of our societies and are aimed at undermining the territorial integrity of our nations. Such acts may have international linkages extending across and beyond the borders. States that provide aid, abetment and shelter for such terrorist activities are themselves as guilty as the actual perpetrators of terrorism.

35. Both sides reaffirmed the obligation of all states to vanquish terrorism from their territories and areas under their control. They need to irreversibly shut down terrorist networks, organizations and infrastructure, and show tangible movement in investigating and bringing quickly to justice all those responsible for acts of terrorism. 

36. Both countries further agreed that there cannot be ideological, religious, political, racial, ethnic, or any other justification to acts of terrorism. Incidents such as the Mumbai Terror Attacks or Beslan terrorist attack, which resulted in the death of numerous innocent civilians cannot be justified on any grounds. 

37. The sides reaffirmed the UN’s central role in combating international terrorism, and expressed their intention to make an active contribution to counter terrorism under the auspices of the UN. They also called for a speedy conclusion of the negotiations on the draft UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. The sides also agreed to continue to address these issues in the format of the bilateral Joint Working Group on Countering International Terrorism. 

International Information Security 

38. The sides expressed concern at the growing threat of the use of information and communication technologies for criminal and terrorist purposes, as well as for purposes that are inconsistent with the UN Charter. In this context the sides noted the need for adoption by the international community of the universal rules, norms and principles of responsible behaviour of states in the use of Information and Communication Technologies. They agreed to deepen their bilateral consultations and cooperation on global issues related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies. They also decided to accelerate consideration of the proposed intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the field of international information security. The sides also stressed the necessity to observe the principle of non-interference in internal affairs as well as human rights in Internet, including the right to privacy, in accordance with respective domestic legislation. 

Cooperation in the field of Disarmament and Non-proliferation 

39. Russia and India consider as their common task preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery means. They emphasized the importance of step-by-step progress in the field of disarmament with the participation of all stakeholders to uphold international peace, security and stability. 

40. The sides welcomed the bilateral consultations on Arms Control and Non-Proliferation which were held in New Delhi in May this year and gave the opportunity to exchange views on a whole range of topical issues. They agreed to strengthen multilateral export control regimes as important components of the global non-proliferation regime.Russia took into positive consideration India’s interest in full membership in MTCR and Wassenaar Arrangement. The Russian side reiterated readiness to assist and promote a discussion and positive decision in the Nuclear Suppliers Group on India’s full membership in the NSG, and welcomed India’s intention to seek full membership. Indiastressed its determination to actively contribute to the international efforts aimed at strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime. 

41. While recognizing the unalienable right of all states to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes Russia and India stressed the need for countries to comply with their respective non-proliferation obligations. The sides advocate the central role of the IAEA, and in particular its safeguards system, in the international activities aimed at the usage of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with the requirements of the respective legally-binding safeguards obligations of states and the Statute of this organization. 

42. Both sides support international efforts to ensure that outer space is used for peaceful purposes. Both legal instruments and appropriate and inclusive confidence-building measures can contribute to this end. 

Enhancing Security Cooperation in Asia and the Asia Pacific 

43. The sides noted that the role of the Asia-Pacific region in international affairs is on the rise and supported further regional integration and cooperation for sustainable global growth. 

44. The sides agreed to closely interact in order to discuss the framework principles of strengthening security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, based on universally accepted principles and norms of international law, openness, transparency and equality. They agreed to play an active role in multilateral for a to encourage further dialogue on equal and undiminished security and developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, in accordance with the agreement achieved at the East Asia Summit (EAS) held on 9-10 October 2013 in Brunei Darussalam. 

45. The sides consider the EAS a key forum for strategic dialogue between leaders of member states on pressing issues as to the political and economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. 

46. The sides agreed that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) contributed significantly to ensuring peace and stability, economic development and prosperity in Eurasia. The Russian Federation commended India’s active participation in the SCO as an observer state and reiterated its strong support for India's bid for full membership of the SCO. 

47. The sides are committed to further intensifying political interactions between China, India, and Russia. In this context, they attach great significance to the next meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the three states, which is to take place this November in New Delhi. The sides also see it as essential to continue consultations concerning regional security at the level of High Representatives of China, India, and Russia. 

48. The sides noted the role of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) as an important mechanism aimed at creating favourable conditions for trade and investment cooperation and developing regional integration in the Asia-Pacific. Russia reaffirmed that India’s potential membership in APEC would facilitate further development of a dialogue on addressing key issues of regional and global trade. Russia reiterated its support towards India’s accession to APEC upon achievement of consensus within APEC on expansion of its membership. 

49. The sides expressed committed to further strengthening the ASEAN Regional Forum, a key tool for practical cooperation in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, to increasing its contribution to the global effort to combat terrorism and cross-border crime, including in the field of ICTs. The sides voiced their intention to promote further development of multilateral military cooperation in the region, to coordinate measures and provide, on a mutual basis, support within the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus format). 

50. The sides reaffirmed their commitment to further advance, in order to ensure peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region, cooperation and coordination within the interstate associations existing in the region, including the Asia-Europe Meeting Forum, Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, Asia Cooperation Dialogue. 

Cooperation among BRICS countries 

51. India and Russia appreciated the outcome of the Fifth BRICS Summit in Durban (held on March 27, 2013). They noted the increased role which BRICS played in the efforts of the international community aimed at bringing the world economy to the path of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. India and Russia stand for strengthening of BRICS as a mechanism for a strategic and ongoing coordination of the activities undertaken by the member states on a growing range of international political and economic issues. 

52. The sides confirmed their full support for the eThekwini Action Plan adopted at the BRICS Summit in 2013 and expressed determination to contribute actively to its implementation. 

53. India and Russia stressed the importance of developing all aspects of multilateral cooperation within BRICS as the most solid basis for further strengthening of diverse ties among its members. The countries support the projects for establishing the BRICS Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement among BRICS states. The Indian side agreed to consider the Russian proposal to develop a Strategy of Multilateral Economic Cooperation of BRICS member states. The sides expressed confidence that the forthcoming BRICS summit in Brazil will help strengthen the role of BRICS on theinternational stage. 

Situation in Syria 

54. The sides expressed the strong belief that the crisis in Syria should not be resolved by force, and could be settled only through political means. Both countries expressed support for the early convening of an "International Conference on Syria" (Geneva-II), to take forward the Geneva-I Communiqué adopted in June 2012, which will bring all parties to the conflict to the negotiating table. The Indian side commended Russia’s role in working towards a diplomatic solution to the Syrian conflict. The Russian side stated that it would welcome India’s participation in Geneva– II. Russia and India support the process of placing Syria’s chemical weapons under international control and their destruction in accordance with the decision of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) of 27 September 2013 and the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention; the UN Security Council Resolution of 2118 is pertinent in this regard. 

Stabilization of the Situation in Afghanistan 

55. The sides approved the efforts made by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to begin an Afghan-led dialogue on reconciliation with the armed opposition forces, provided that these groups should respect the principles adopted by the international community, namely, to recognise the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, to renounce violence and to sever ties with Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. The sides considered it necessary to extend the sanctions regime introduced by the UN Security Council against the Taliban as one of the most important tools for fighting terrorism. 

56. The sides were pleased to note that there was a growing understanding in the world of the essential role played by the states neighbouring the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as well as by the countries and organizations in the region. The sides strongly called for the development and improvement of interaction within the existing frameworks of regional cooperation, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and dialogue within RIC and the Istanbul Process. 

57. The sides recognized terrorism as the major threat to Afghanistan's security and stability that jeopardizes peace in the region and in the whole world. Therefore they stressed the regional aspects of terrorism and extremism, emphasizing the necessity of joint and coordinated efforts and cooperation between the states of the region, especially taking into account the expected drawdown of international forces in 2014, in order to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including elimination of terrorist safe havens and cutting off financial support to terrorism. 

58. The sides expressed concern about the scale of illicit drug production in Afghanistan and underlined that revenue from drug trafficking were one of the main sources of financing terrorist organizations. The sides agreed to continue taking effective measures to combat illicit drug trafficking of Afghan origin and to focus on permanent and active support for the Paris Pact initiative. 

Iranian Nuclear Program 

59. The sides expressed concern about the situation around Iran and its nuclear program. They confirmed their support for a comprehensive and permanent settlement of this situation, through political and diplomatic means, by establishing a dialogue. They recognize Iran's right to continue using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with its international obligations. The sides urged Iran to comply with the provisions of the corresponding resolutions of the UN Security Council and cooperate with the IAEA. 

Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Financial Reforms 

60. The sides stated that there were still numerous challenges relating to the growth of the world economy. They considered it necessary to boost multilateral cooperation in order to tackle these. They attach particular importance to the G20 as the primary forum for international economic cooperation. India highly appreciated the Russian G20 Presidency as well as the outcomes of the Saint Petersburg G20 Summit. They stressed that the continuous implementation of its recommendations with respect to the decisions aimed at speeding up world economic growth, midterm fiscal consolidation, higher employment, liberalization of trade and promoting development will facilitate the solution of the key global economic issues. Russia expressed gratitude to India for the significant contribution towards success of the Saint Petersburg Summit. 

61. Russia and India stressed the necessity to create a more representative and legitimate international financial architecture. They agreed that the primary task in this connection was to complete the Fifteenth General Review of IMF Quotas not later than in January 2014. 

62. The two sides stressed that the G20 policy coordination process needs to pay more attention to monetary policy in the reserve country currencies in order to protect the international financial system and to prevent destabilization of financial markets. 

Environment and sustainable development 

63. The sides welcomed the outcome of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development "Rio+20" (held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on June 20-22, 2012) and stated that it was necessary to work consistently to implement its decisions. They attached great importance to addressing purposefully the global climate change problem and stressed the importance of boosting international efforts aimed at drafting a new comprehensive and balanced climate change agreement by 2015. 

64. The India- Russia Annual Summit was held in an atmosphere of traditional friendship and mutual understanding. The Prime Minister of the Republic of India expressed gratitude to the leaders of the Russian Federation for the hospitality and warm welcome in Moscow and invited the President of the Russian Federation to India. The invitation was accepted with pleasure. 

Courtesy: Press Information Bureau

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