Wednesday 23 October 2013

Agreement on the establishment of Sister City Relations between Kolkata, Republic of India and Kunming, People’s Republic of China

Kolkata, Republic of India and Kunming, People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), 

Recalling the Agreement between the Ministry of External Affairs, Republic of India and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People’s Republic of China to facilitate cooperation and linkages between Indian and Chinese cities & states/ provinces, signed in New Delhi on 20 May 2013 to facilitate closer cooperation between the local authorities of India and China; 

In furtherance of their desire to promote closer engagement in the fields of public policy, education, health, science and technology, tourism and culture; 

1. Have agreed as follows: 

i. To establish sister-city relations and create mechanisms for its implementation; 
ii. To maintain regular contacts including between the designated authorities; 
iii. To carry out cooperation in the fields of education, culture, sports, youth affairs, urban planning, waste water management, infrastructure, environment, public health and exchange of trade and commercial delegations; 
iv. To the above ends, undertake exchanges involving delegations; interaction between institutions; and sharing of experiences in areas of mutual interest. 

2. This Agreement does not create binding obligations among the Parties. Nothing in this Agreement precludes either of the Parties from exercising any measures and satisfying any obligations prescribed under the laws of their respective jurisdiction. 

3. The activities would be undertaken in prior consultation with the respective national agencies; namely, the East Asia Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India and China International Friendship Cities Association (CIFCA). 

4. The Parties will ensure that financial resources to support exchanges and activities are available prior to undertaking them. As a general practice, the sending Party will bear costs of international travel, lodging and boarding, while the receiving Party will offer local transportation. 

5. This Agreement shall come into effect on the date of signature by the Parties and shall remain in force for a period of five years, unless either Party gives a written notice to the other Party, of its intention to terminate the Agreement, at least three (3) months in advance. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect completion of the projects that are already in progress. Thereafter, the Parties may, through friendly consultation, enter into a fresh Agreement for a further period of five years. 

6. Any dispute arising out of the interpretation, applications or implementation of any provision of this Agreement shall be settled amicably through consultation or negotiation between the Parties. 

Courtesy: Press Information Bureau (

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