Thursday, 1 August 2013

Highlights of the NHFDC Activities During the Year- 2012-2013

NHFDC signed s with IDBI Bank, Andhra Bank, NEDFi & three RRBs in Maharashtra to expand its concessional credit to PwDs; NHFDC achieved excellent performance under  MoU evaluation system during the year; state ChannelisingAgency of NHFDC at Puducherry achieved best state Channelising Agency Award for 2011-12, are some of the highlights of NHFDC activities during last year

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) set to achieve excellent performanceunder  MoU evaluation system during 2012-13

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) set to achieve excellent performance underMoU evaluation system during 2012-13 in all the key parameters like disbursement, number of beneficiaries covered, skill training of PwDs and repayment of loan. During 2012-13 the Corporation received Rs. 20 crore as equity support from the Department of Disability Affairs, Govt. of India. The total disbursement of the loan during the year stood at Rs. 69.59 crorebenefitting 13,296 PwDs. In addition, Rs. 85.51 lac were spent on skill development of 1,061 PwDs.

The Profitability of NHFDC Increased During 2010-11 & 2011-12 due to better management of fund and increase in loan income consequent to increase in disbursement of loan - Public Enterprise Survey -2011-12

The public enterprise survey in its Annual Report (2011-12) on the performance on the Central Public Sector Enterprises says that net profit of the company
(NHFDC) increased to Rs. 3.72 crores in 2011-12, an increase of Rs. 2.17 crore
over the previous year profit of Rs. 1.55 crore. The profitability (excess of
income over expenditure) increased due to better management of funds and
increase in loan income due to increase in disbursement. The document contains the data on National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation (NHFDC) for the two years i.e., 2011-12 & 2010-11.

One day conference on economic empowerment of PwDs convened at Pune by NHFDC and MSHFDC

A one day conference on schemes and programmes of National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) was convened on 10th of March at Pune (Maharashtra). NHFDC has released more than Rs.61 Crore for 8200 Persons with Disabilities in Maharashtra. In the current year (2012-13), NHFDC has released Rs.6 Crore for 400 persons with disabilities in Maharashtra.

Persons with Disabilities trained under ‘Hunar se Rojgar Scheme’ of Ministry of Tourism

Persons with Disabilities were trained in the hospitality industry under ‘Hunar Se Rojgar Scheme’. This is a pro-poor scheme aimed to bridge the gap of skilled manpower in the hospitality sector. A PwD who has a minimum qualification of 8th class and is between the age group of 18 – 28 years is eligible to get training and other benefits under the scheme. The scheme consists of six/eight weeks full time training programmes in services like, Food & Beverage, House keeping Utility and Back office jobs etc. No application fee or course fee is chargeable to the trainees.

SCA of NHFDC at Puducherry bagged Best Channelising Agency Award of NHFDC for the year 2011-12

Puducherry Corporation for Development of Women & Differently Abled Persons Ltd. was awarded by Hon’blePresident of India on 6th February in Vigyan Bhavan , New Delhi, for best state channelising agency of National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation, Govt. of India. The Corporation has made innovative changes in its implementation strategy during year 2011-12. Out of 255 projects received from Persons with Disabilities, 254 projects were sanctioned by the Corporation. As a result, it was successful in the utilization of 90% funds received from NHFDC with recovery of 69.4%, benefitting 235 persons with disability. The Corporation has established itself as a fine model of efficiency and innovation.

NHFDC and Andhra Bank signed an to facilitate concessional credit to PwDs on refinance basis.

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC), Department of Disability Affairs, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India and Andhra Bank signed  MoU facilitating concessional credit to PwDs on  all India basis at Hyderabad on 19th of December. As per , NHFDC will refinance to the bank in respect of disbursement of loan to PwD for self-employment for those activities which are covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE , Govt. of India. In addition, NHFDC will also refinance the education loan for higher education to PwDs.

NHFDC & IDBI BANK signed an  MoU to facilitate concessional credit to PwDs on refinance basis

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC), Department of Disability Affairs, Ministry of Social justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India and IDBI Bank (A Govt. of India owned bank) signed  MoU on 21stDecember facilitating concessional credit to PwDs on all India basis at IDBI Bank, Patna Main Branch, Patna. As per MoU, NHFDC will refinance to the bank in respect of disbursement of loan to PwDs for self employment for those activities which are covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE, Govt. of  India. In addition, NHFDC will also refinance the education loan for higher education to PwDs.

NHFDC and Bank of Baroda (BoB) signed an MoU on 16th January at Mumbai to facilitate concessional credit to PwDs on refinance basis

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC), Department of Disability Affairs, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India and Bank of Baroda signed  MoU facilitating concessional credit to PwDs on all India basis. As per, NHFDC will refinance to the bank in respect of disbursement of loan to PwD for self-employment for those activities which are covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE , Govt. of India. In addition, NHFDC will also refinance the education loan for higher education to PwDs.

NHFDC & NHPC distributed free motorized Sewing Machines to 25 trained Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in Faridabad

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) with the financial support from the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) organized on 3rd December on the eve of World Disability Day, distribution of motorized sewing machines to 25 PwDs at Apparel Training and Design Centre (ATDC), Panchayat BhavanBallabhgarh, Faridabad. ATDC regularly organizes skill training for the PwDs under NHFDCprogramme and also offer placements to the successful PwDs in the leading garment manufacturing companies in Faridabad and Gurgaon. These 25 PwDs had successfully completed the sewing machine operator course organized by ATDC with the financial support from the NHFDC.

NHFDC and NEDFi signed MoU for providing concessional credit to PwDs in the NE Region

In order to reach out to more Persons with Disabilities at the grassroots and also to work for larger number of persons of disadvantaged sections of the society, National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation (NHFDC), Govt. of India entered into an agreement on 10th of October at New Delhi with North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi) to provide concessional credit to PwDs in the North Eastern Region. NEDFi has now become AdditionalChannelising Agency (SCA) of NHFDC for the entire North Eastern Region including Sikkim. As SCA, the NEDFi will now be able to provide concessional credit upto Rs. 25 lac to PwDs under Credit Guarantee Scheme of Govt. of India. This arrangement to provide collateral free loans to PwDs for the entire region of North East will add a new dimension to flow of concessional credit (@ 3.5% to 8%) to PwDs.

CMD, NHFDC Signed MoUs with three Chairmen of Regional Rural Banks in Maharashtra for expanding concessional credit facilities to Persons with Disabilities

The RRBs are now be able to extend credit upto Rs. 25 lakhs for self employment ventures under Credit Guarantee Scheme of Government of India. Under these agreements, signed on 18th of September, the lending agency, ie., RRBs cannot ask for security from the borrower i.e., PwDs as the guarantee is provided by the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro & Small Enterprises (CGFTMSE). In case of default, the RRBs can recover upto 85% of the loan amount. The flow of entire credit to PwDs by these RRBs will be refinanced by NHFDC. The new dimension of flow of concessional credit will be Education loan at the rate of 3.5% and 4% for girls & boys.

NHFDC and J&K State Women’s Development Corporation jointly organised a capacity building programme for women PwDs at Leh

J&K State Women’s Development Corporation in collaboration with National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) organized one day capacity building programme for differently abled women beneficiaries at Leh on 28th of June.

NHFDC signed MoUs for 2012-13 with Ministry setting ambitious targets of performance

Chairman-cum-Managing Director, National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) has signed an MoU  with Department of Disability Affairs, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India for the Financial Year 2013-14. NHFDC has undertaken to accomplish the ambitious targets during the current year ; Disbursement of Rs. 70 crores for the benefit of 12,840 PwDs; Providing grant assistance for Entrepreneurship Development/Skill Development programme for the training of 860 PwDs; Achieving atleast 75.27% (cumulative) recovery against NHFDC dues, in respect of loans released.; Sponsoring 18 Workshops/Awareness Creating programmes in different parts of the country & total number of Exhibitions (18) are to be put up.
Courtesy: ( Press Information Bureau

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