Friday, 19 July 2013

TRAI expresses serious concern over slack implementation of Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems in Kolkata; directs Multi System Operators/ Local Cable Operators to take immediate action or face consequences

     TRAI has convened a meeting of the leading Multi System Operators (MSOs) in the Metro city of Kolkata to review the progress of implementation of Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems (DAS). 

The Authority has observed that even though sufficient time has elapsed since 1st November 2012, the Subscriber Management System of DAS has not been effectively operationalised by the MSOs, providing cable TV service in Kolkata. The Subscriber Management System is to have complete details of the subscribers including their choice of channels. Unless this is done the full benefit of digitization cannot be extended to all the stakeholders including the subscribers. This will also help the subscribers to budget their bills. 

In this Context, to educate and sensitise the subscribers, TRAI has been issuing public notices from time to time. The broadcasters and the cable TV service providers have also been running scrolls in the TV channels and TV advertisement for the last few months, asking the subscribers to submit the duly filled-in Consumer Application Forms. Through these public notices, scrolls and TV advertisements the subscribers were also alerted about deactivation of cable TV services, in case of non-submission of the forms. The reason for this was that, in terms of Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems Regulations 2012, MSOs can transmit digital signals and activate the Set Top Box only after receiving the Consumer Application Form from the consumer with his/ her preference and entering all the details in its Subscriber Management System. If there is no form, the MSOs are obliged under law not to transmit the signal and deactivate the cable TV services. 

TRAI expressed its serious concern to the fact that only 20% of the subscribers details and their choices are available in the subscriber management system in Kolkata, whereas this figure is more than 80% in other metro cities and that the inaction on the part of MSOs and LCOs in implementation of DAS is totally unacceptable. Accordingly the MSOs have been directed to take immediate steps to ensure that the subscribers details and their choice of channels/ bouquets / services are entered into the Subscriber Management System. The Authority would watch the progress in this regard and would take all possible actions, including penal action as per the TRAI Act, to ensure compliance of its regulatory framework. 

Courtesy ( Press Information  Bureau 

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