Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production and Use-Based Index for the Month of January, 2013 (BASE 2004-05=100)

The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base 2004-05 for the month of January 2013 havebeen released by the Central Statistics Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. IIP is compiled using data received from 16 source agencies viz. Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP); IndianBureau of Mines; Central Electricity Authority; Joint Plant Committee; Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas; Office ofTextile Commissioner; Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals; Directorate of Sugar; Department of Fertilizers; Directorate of Vanaspati, Vegetable Oils & Fats; Tea Board; Office of Jute Commissioner; Office of Coal Controller;Railway Board; Office of Salt Commissioner and Coffee Board.

2. The General Index for the month of January 2013 stands at 181.8, which is 2.4% higher as compared to the level in the month of January 2012. The cumulative growth for the period April-January 2012-13 over the corresponding period of theprevious year stands at 1.0%.

3. The Indices of Industrial Production for the Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity sectors for the month of January 2013stand at 134.0, 193.7 and 160.7 respectively, with the corresponding growth rates of (-) 2.9%, 2.7% and 6.4% as compared to January 2013 (Statement I). The cumulative growth in the three sectors during April-January 2012-13 over the corresponding period of 2011-12 has been (-) 1.9%, 0.9% and 4.7% respectively.

4. In terms of industries, eleven (11) out of the twenty two (22) industry groups (as per 2-digit NIC-2004) in themanufacturing sector have shown positive growth during the month of January 2013 as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year (Statement II). The industry group ‘Electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.’ has shown the highestpositive growth of 46.7%, followed by 19.8% in ‘Tobacco Products’ and 18.1% in ‘Wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur’. On the other hand, the industry group ‘Medical, precision & optical instruments, watches and clocks’ has shown anegative growth of 24.5% followed by 22.8% in ‘Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media’ and 16.5% in ‘Wood and products of wood and cork except furniture; articles of straw and planting materials’.

5. As per Use-based classification, the growth rates in January 2013 over January 2012 are 3.4% in Basic goods, (-) 1.8% in Capital goods and 2.0% in Intermediate goods (Statement III). The Consumer durables and Consumer non-durables have recorded growth of (-) 0.9% and 5.3% respectively, with the overall growth in Consumer goods being 2.8%.

6. Some of the important items showing high positive growth during the current month over the same month inprevious year include ‘Leather Garments’ (73.0%), ‘Antibiotics and its preparations’ (18.8%), ‘Vitamins’ (100.7%), ‘Carbon Steel’ (25.3%), ‘CR Sheets’ (62.4%), ‘Pressure Cooker’ (29.5%) ‘Air Conditioner (Room)’ (31.6%), ‘Conductor, Aluminium’ (71.3%) and ‘Cable, Rubber Insulated’ (140.1%).

7. Some of the other important items showing high negative growth are: ‘Block Board’ [(-) 24.5%], ‘Newspapers’ [(-) 23.1%], ‘Polythene Bags including Hdpe & Ldpe Bags’ [(-) 44.9%] ‘Grinding wheels’ [(-) 34.8%], ‘Boilers’ [(-) 19.1%], ‘Stampings & Forgings’ [(-) 23.9%], ‘Heat Exchangers [(-) 36.8%], ‘Earth Moving Machinery’ [(-) 22.3%], Plastic Machinery including moulding machinery’ [(-) 27.5%], ‘Commercial Vehicles’ [(-) 17.9%] and ‘Gems and Jewellery’ [(-) 14.8%].

8. Along with the Q.E. of IIP for the month of January 2013, the indices for December 2012 have undergone the first revision and those for October 2012 have undergone the final revision in the light of the updated data received from the sourceagencies. It may be noted that these revised indices (first revision) in respect of December 2012 shall undergo final (second) revision along with the release of IIP for the month of March 2013.

9. Statements giving Quick Estimates of the Index of Industrial Production at Sectoral, 2-digit level of NationalIndustrial Classification (NIC-2004) and by Use-based classification for the month of January 2013, along with the growthrates over the corresponding month of previous yearincluding the cumulative indices and growth rates, are enclosed  


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