Under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) scheme, 648 projects covering electrification of 1,12,795 un/de-electrified villages (UEV), intensive electrification of 3,96,336 partially electrified villages (PEV) and release of free electricity connections to 2,74,98,652 Below Poverty Line (BPL) households have been sanctioned by the Govt. of India as on 31.01.2013, the electrification works in 1,06,474 UE villages, 2,87,827 PE villages have been completed and free electricity connections to 2,05,15,472 BPL households have been released under the scheme. The Bharat Nirman targets i.e. electrification of 1 lakh villages and 1.75 crore BPL households by March, 2012 set under RGGVY have been achieved.
The Government of India launched ‘Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) – Programme for creation of Rural Electricity Infrastructure & Household Electrification, in April 2005 for providing access to electricity to rural households.
All the villages of Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh as proposed in the DPRs and recommended by the respective State Governments, were sanctioned during X and XI Plan. Under phase-II of RGGVY in XI Plan, 11 supplementary projects in Bihar and 22 supplementary projects in Uttar Pradesh covering left out villages and hamlets/tolas/majras have also been sanctioned. Ministry of Power and Rural Electrification Corporation, the nodal agency for RGGVY, is continuously monitoring the progress of work in the States of Bihar,Jharkhand and Odisha and extending support to State Government for expeditious implementation of the projects.
The State-wise targets and achievement for the sanctioned projects under RGGVY is as under:
*In the States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab and Tamil Nadu, no un-electrified village was proposed in the DPRs by these States. However, intensive electrification of already electrified villages are being undertaken in these States.
**Includes 1909 un/de-electrified villages, intensive electrification of 53505 partially electrified villages and release of free electricity connections to 4559141 BPL households of 72 projects sanctioned under phase-II of RGGVY.
This information was given by MoS (I/C) Power Sh. Jyotiraditya M. Scindia in Rajya Sabha on March 5, 2013.
The Government of India launched ‘Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) – Programme for creation of Rural Electricity Infrastructure & Household Electrification, in April 2005 for providing access to electricity to rural households.
All the villages of Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh as proposed in the DPRs and recommended by the respective State Governments, were sanctioned during X and XI Plan. Under phase-II of RGGVY in XI Plan, 11 supplementary projects in Bihar and 22 supplementary projects in Uttar Pradesh covering left out villages and hamlets/tolas/majras have also been sanctioned. Ministry of Power and Rural Electrification Corporation, the nodal agency for RGGVY, is continuously monitoring the progress of work in the States of Bihar,Jharkhand and Odisha and extending support to State Government for expeditious implementation of the projects.
The State-wise targets and achievement for the sanctioned projects under RGGVY is as under:
*In the States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab and Tamil Nadu, no un-electrified village was proposed in the DPRs by these States. However, intensive electrification of already electrified villages are being undertaken in these States.
**Includes 1909 un/de-electrified villages, intensive electrification of 53505 partially electrified villages and release of free electricity connections to 4559141 BPL households of 72 projects sanctioned under phase-II of RGGVY.
This information was given by MoS (I/C) Power Sh. Jyotiraditya M. Scindia in Rajya Sabha on March 5, 2013.
free word must be deleted in the policies made by the government...use alternative sources or reduce electricity by SAVING POWER..
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