Sunday 27 January 2013

Terms and conditions for Digital Volunteers

·        Digital Volunteers undertake to work voluntarily for Government of  India.

·        Digital Volunteers shall not hold themselves before any person/organization as Government of India employees.

·        Digital Volunteers should not engage themselves in any activity which is prejudicial to the interest of the nation.

·        Digital Volunteers should not seek any pecuniary gains by fraud, misrepresentation, coercion or any other illegal means.

·      Digital Volunteers shall not be engaged in any activity meant to malign the image of Government of India.

·        Digital Volunteers undertake to work under constant supervision of Social Media Cell. They also undertake to provide suitable and necessary feedback to Social Media Cell.

·        Digital Volunteers undertake to fulfill the responsibilities of their role to the best of their abilities.

·        Social media cell, GoI may add your contact information to our database for contact about public education and advocacy commitments.

·        The Digital Volunteer shall not advertise or in any manner whatsoever use the name, or any abbreviation of the name, emblem or official seal of Ministry of  I&B or Government of India


Unknown said...

What are the benefits one can get from this program ? And what type of work we have to do ? and at what condition you can assure one's safety and privacy ?

पवन परम् said...

I am a central Govt. employee and a RSS swayamsevak. Can I be digital volunteer?

Vikas said...

yes u can

Unknown said...

or is this another scheme to constantly praise the gandhis and congress which seems to be the only job of the govt today? are you creating congress online trolls?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

as a citzen of india i feel proud , iam very commen men, iam already in facebook ,what are the benifit of the program ,please explain.

Unknown said...

Very good initiative by GoI.

Apart from spreading the messages about the programmes of the GoI through social networking sites, will it accept comments or critique of the Digital Volunteers on the programmes?

Secondly, the Digital Volunteer will be able to give whatever information or feedback available with them. In this background, what is 'suitable' and 'necessary' feedback needs to be explained. (Ref condition: 'Digital Volunteers undertake to work under constant supervision of Social Media Cell. They also undertake to provide suitable and necessary feedback to Social Media Cell.'

Third, how it works when the Digital Volunteer asked to authenticate the source when they are not supposed to disclose the source as per the contion:
· 'The Digital Volunteer shall not advertise or in any manner whatsoever use the name, or any abbreviation of the name, emblem or official seal of Ministry of I&B or Government of India'

The above points need enlightenment.

Unknown said...

I don't see replies to most of questions asked. Will I&B depute some one to take care of questions asked?

dhaendra said...

i can't understand the works requirement of Digital Volunteer....

way2 college said...
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mahesh said...

May impact people as this is the powerful media to disseminate information to the public.

Titus Gaichundin Gengmei said...

What exactly mean by this "Digital Volunteer Programme" and what are the activities that will do?

Unknown said...

I am aakash.
i have just seen this website this is very innovative work by our goverment.i am very happy if i would be the part of this digital volunteer programme.This would give me very different felling if i would be able to remove corruption from its root.Corruption is biggest enemy of our country india. it can not be compared to even britisher who have looted our whole country hindustan because in this we can not differentiate that some specific person is indian our foreigner. from basic to high almost all our today scenario it is very difficult for that person who is not corrupted because there is so much pressure from their top chairperson.

I have just entered in the age of we all know at this stage we are mature and need proof of this (license,pan card etc).so when i had gone to their respective departments their are so much difficulties which common person have to face & all difficulties remove if we give some bribe to sometimes i also feel that somewhere we are giving enhacement to corruption after losing our confidence.
so now time to join hands & let throw the corruption FROM OUR COUNTRY to BERMUDA TRIANGLE.

Unknown said...

I am Bijan Hazra of Dum Dum, Kolkata
I feel that various Governmental Schemes and benefit for the downtrodden people, should be known by all so that the needy people can get benefit. I want to do something as per my label best to make aware amongst masses about the help and assistance provided by the Government for their progress and betterment.

Extension of Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme through ECLGS 2.0 for the 26 sectors identified by the Kamath Committee and the healthcare sector

Extension of the duration of Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) 1.0 The Government has extended Emergency Credit Line Guarantee ...