Thursday 2 April 2020

MHA writes to States to widely publicize the Penal Provisions regarding Violations of Lockdown Measures to fight COVID-19

Strict Action to be taken by Authorities on Violators of Lockdown Measures: MHA to States
Union Ministry for Home Affairs (MHA) had issued consolidated guidelines on lockdown measures to be taken by the Ministries/Departments of Government of India and States/UTs Governments/Administrations, so as to break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 in the country.

MHA had earlier written to all States requesting them to strictly implement lockdown measures in letter and spirit, by exercising their powers under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, to fight COVID-19.

Reiterating the message, Union Home Secretary, Shri Ajay Kumar Bhalla, has written to all States to widely publicize among the authorities and public, the penal provisions under the DM Act and IPC regarding violations of lockdown measures, to fight COVID-19. It has been stressed that strict action must be taken by authorities on violators of lockdown measures

Click here to see Communication to States

Click here to see Penal Provisions

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