Friday 22 September 2017

Observance of Swachhta Pakhwada of Ministry of Tourism today

The Fifth day’s work of Swachhta Pakhwada of Ministry of Tourism planned to undertake Cleanliness campaign at the Lotus Temple New Delhi and surrounding area by Officers and staff members of the Ministry of Tourism. Accordingly the designated officials and officers visited the Lotus Temple. Lotus Temple administration deputed an officer to guide the team.
After this, Shri P. Venkatesan, Director, Ministry of Tourims explained the aims and objectives and the tourist spots selected for the Swachhta Pakhwada’s 15 days cleanliness work. After this the Officers and staff members undertook an intensive Cleanliness work. The cleaning work was done in the main entrance gate, the parking area, service road, surrounding area of toilet and drinking water area inside the Lotus Temple. Thus the Fifth day’s work ended yielding the desired result.


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