In continuation to Ganga Manthan, a specific consultation with Grossly Polluting Industries (GPIs) located in five states along Ganga river main stem to be held today. The discussion would involve presentations from Central Control Pollution Board (CCPB) on the regulatory framework and from the leading industrial associations regarding the actions taken and challenges faced in order to abate the pollution generated during the industrial processes. The consultation is also likely to be attended by members of industrial associations, senior government officials and Union Ministers from key ministries involved in Ganga rejuvenation. Such consultations hold an important role in laying the plan for ‘Namami Gange’ – an ambitious project of Government of India to achieve the objective of Ganga Rejuvenation.
In the inaugural session, there would be address of Shri RR Mishra, Mission Director, National Mission on Clean Ganga and Shri Susheel Kumar Chairman, CPCB. Prof. Vinod Tare, Co-ordinator of IIT Consortium preparing the Ganga River Basin Management Plan (GRBMP) will be making a presentation on “Industrial Pollution in River Ganga: Issues and Challenges”. Shri Sunil Dave of CPCB will make a presentation on the regulatory framework for Industrial Pollution Abatement. This will be followed by a keynote address by Dr RK Pachauri, Director General-TERI and Chairman IPCC. After the inaugural address, consultation with Industrial Associations will take place where industrial associations of key industries located along Ganga main stem will talk about the actions taken and challenges faced in order to abate the water pollution generated during the industrial processes. An open forum after industrial consultation will be provided to the participants to keep their views and to provide suggestions for industrial pollution abatement. Union Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change; Union Minister of Tourism and Culture; Union Minister of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation; and, Union Minister of Shipping, Road Transport, Rural Development, Drinking Water and Sanitation will present the concluding remarks.
Ganga Manthan, a national dialogue on river Ganga, organized on July 07, 2014 at New Delhi marked the beginning of a national level stakeholder interaction on the challenges, issues and possible solutions to achieve the ambitious objective of ‘Ganga Rejuvenation’.
As estimated by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), about 501 MLD of industrial wastewater after treatment is being discharged into river Ganga from the 764 Grossly Polluted Industries (GPI).Grossly Polluting Industries are those industries, which (I) discharge their effluents into a water course including rivers and lakes, and (ii) are either involved in manufacture & use of hazardous substances or discharge effluents with a BOD load of 100kg/day or more, or both. Type of industries located along the main stem of river Ganga include tanneries, distilleries, pulp and paper, textiles & dyeing, slaughter houses etc. that discharge its effluents into the river Ganga. In terms of number, tanneries are dominant whereas in terms of waste water, maximum is generated by Pulp and paper industries. Considering the high toxicity of Industrial effluents, it is extremely important to abate the industrial pollution in order to save our holy river Ganga.
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