Monday, 13 October 2014

Cyclone Hudhud – Update at 1300hrs 13 Oct 2014

The very severe cyclonic storm has weakened into a cyclonic storm post crossing coast and is now over Chhattisgrah and adjoining South Odisha. Presently, negligible rain and calm winds are being experienced at Visakhapatnam. However, occasional rainfall activity with associated winds gusting upto 30-40 Kmph may be experienced in and around Visakhapatnam till midnight 13 Oct 14. 

The Defence Crisis Management Group has nominated Indian Navy as the lead service for conduct of rescue and relief operations in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, and the operation has been codenamed as OP LEHAR. Eastern Naval Command has indicated readiness in all respects for providing assistance for relief operations. Indian Naval Ships Ranjit, Shivalik, Shakti and Airavat are ready to sail with relief material for 5000 personnel. Additionally, four more ships have been kept ready for sailing at short notice for relief operations. Approximately 24 diving teams have been deployed in and around Vizag for relief operations. One P8I ex-Rajali and one Dornier ex-Dega have been launched at about 1100hrs on 13 Oct 14 to undertake damage assessment. Based on the damage assessment, IN assets will be deployed for rescue and relief operations to best effect. 

In addition to the above preparation, the officers and men of the naval base at Vishakhapatnam are working to get base back to its operational status at the earliest. Damage in the Naval Dockyard was minimised by the proactive and preventive measures undertaken by all concerned. The airfield at INS Dega was flooded and damaged has been reported to almost all buildings. With sustained efforts, both runways have been made fit for flying operations w.e.f forenoon 13 Oct 2014. Approx 60% trees have been uprooted in the Naval Area and almost all roads are blocked due to these. Power supply to the base has been disrupted due to damage to transmission lines and communications have been severely affected as BSNL lines, Rukmani and INMARSAT are not operational. Communication with Maritime Operations Centre (MOC), Vishakhapatnam has been established with Communication Centre, Delhi.


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