Speaking on the occasion Secretary I&B, Shri Bimal Julka said the Media and Entertainment industry need to contribute extensively to the Swacch Bharat Mission. The industry could help in reaching out to people with right content and effective messaging which would ensure community participation in the Swacch Bharat Mission. Shri Julka said the Media and Entertainment Industry has an important role to play in order to make Swacch Bharat a mass movement. Reiterating the Prime Minister’s appeal to devote ourselves towards “Swacchchhata”, Shri Julka said, it is essential for all stakeholders to be partners in the drive towards this initiative.
Quoting the example of Digitisation of Cable TV, where all stake holders have themselves taken initiatives towards creating awareness, Shri Julka suggested that the Entertainment Industry bring leading stars together to communicate messages through TV on Swacch Bharat to households. For the FM radio industry and community radio stations, Shri Julka appealed to create region specific and event specific programmes on the Swacch Bharat Mission. He has also appealed to the Digital Media Industry to play Swacch Bharat messages across various theatre screens in the country, to make people aware about the initiative.
Representatives of Industry extended their support to carry forward the initiative and shared their views and suggestions in order to create an effective multi-media campaign which would translate ‘information into action’ towards fulfilling the Prime Minister’s vision on “Swacchchhata.”
Courtesy: pib.nic.in
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