Wednesday 12 June 2013

India to Push Forward the Interest of Developing Countries at the Ongoing International Labour Conference’s (Ilo) 102th Session

Post 2015 Developmental Agenda and The Relevance of Current Mdgs to be Discussed Along with Strategy for Next Six Years Till its Centenary
Mallikarjuna Kharge Leads Indian Delegation 

The fortnight long 102nd Session of International Conference is currently in progress at ILO Geneva till 20th June 2013. This session assumes special importance because it will also discuss the post 2015 developmental agenda and the relevance of current MDGs. The ILO also is discussing its strategy for next six years till its centenary. All the G20 Labour Ministers would be discussing with DG, ILO their strategy as far as the next G20 Labour Ministerial is concerned in the backdrop of the current global recession and its adverse impact on the global job scenario. The Indian tripartite delegation to 102nd International Labour Conference is being led by Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister. It consists of senior officials, trade union leaders and employers’ representatives, who will also participate in the conference. Shri K. Suresh, Union Minister of State for Labour & Employment, Labour Ministers of Tamil Nadu, Assam and Delhi will also be taking part in the Conference. 

International Labour Conference is discussing the following main agenda items: 

1. Report of Director General ILO 

2. Programme and Budget of ILO for the next biennium 

3. Report of Committee of Application of Standards 

4. Employment and Social Protection in the new demographic context 

5. Sustainable Development and Green Jobs 

6. Social Dialogue 

Union Labour & Employment Minister will share the views of India on the Director General’s Report as to what direction ILO should take when it is completing 100 years of its existence in 2019. Secretary, Labour & Employment will also be making his intervention in the Plenary Session of the International Labour Conference. 

The Indian delegation will be strongly putting forth the interests of developing countries in their important policy speeches. Poverty alleviation and attainment of Millennium Development Goals still remain a priority for developing and low income countries. In the Sustainable Development Committee India will strongly advocate its stand that all three pillars of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental should be given equal importance. Green economy and green jobs are not an end in itself but one of the means of attaining the over-arching goal of sustainable development. India along with other developing countries follows the principle of CBDR (Common But Differentiated Responsibilities) in the area of environmental issues i.e. the developed countries should share a bigger responsibility as compared to the developing countries. 

In the Social Dialogue Committee, the Indian stand is that Labour Standards should not be used as non-tariff barriers. Government of India strongly advocates the primacy of ILO standards in the area of labour. We oppose mushrooming of private/voluntary/CSR standards as they pursue the protectionist agenda of developed countries. As per ILO Convention no. 81 Labour Inspection remains the primary responsibility of the government. Bringing in extraneous agencies in the area of labour inspection will undermine the role of government. All countries should work within the framework of national labour laws and government labour inspection machinery. 

Regarding ILC agenda item of Employment and Social Protection in New Demographic Context – whereas the western world is facing the problem of aging population, in India our youth population is going to continuously increase in the coming years. Skill Development attuned to the changing labour market requirements remains our focus area. We have undertaken massive skill development programmes - increasing the number of ITIs, upgrading them, imparting short term modular employable skills, etc. 25% of our government expenditure is in the area of social sectors and we are undertaking several measures for extending the outreach of our social programmes. 

On the sidelines of ILC, Shri Mallikarjun Kharge will also be addressing the Asia-Pacific Countries on the issue of skill and employability. He will also be attending the meeting of G20 Labour Ministers being organized by Director General, ILO. G20, under the presidentship of Russia is pursuing the primary agenda of increasing employment and growth. 

During the ILC, The minister will also hold bilateral meetings with Labour Ministers of various countries. 

Shri K. Suresh, Union Minister of State for Labour & Employment is scheduled to address the International Labour Conference Committee on Social Dialogue on the subject of collective bargaining. 

Courtesy: (Press Information Bureau)

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