Wednesday 29 May 2013

Prime Minister's media statement after meeting the Prime Minister of Japan

Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s media statement after meeting the Prime Minister of Japan in Tokyo today: 

“I am delighted to return to Tokyo, a city where I have always found warmth, goodwill and hospitality whenever I have visited it over the past four decades. My wife and I were deeply honoured by the special gesture of Their Majesties the Emperor and the Empress in hosting us earlier today. I also want to thank Prime Minister Abe for the excellent arrangements that have been made for our discussions and for his exceptional hospitality. 

Prime Minister Abe and I had wide-ranging discussions over the past two days, characterized by a convergence that is fully consistent with our Global and Strategic Partnership. Our discussions were guided by the fundamental belief that at a time of global uncertainties, change and challenges, India and Japan are natural and indispensable partners for advancing prosperity in our two countries and for a peaceful, stable, cooperative and prosperous future for the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. 

The Joint Statement reflects our mutual understanding and the steps we are taking to advance our relationship. We attach particular importance to intensifying political dialogue and strategic consultations and progressively strengthening defence relations, including through naval exercises and collaboration in defence technology. Cooperation in high technology, space, energy security and rare earth minerals will also add rich content to our strategic partnership. 

While continuing our development partnership, especially in the infrastructure sector in India, we will also strive to substantially expand the flow of trade and private investment. 

We had a meeting of minds in our discussions on global and regional issues. We will seek reforms in the United Nations Security Council, an open, rule-based and balanced regional architecture and deeper regional economic integration and connectivity. 

I also conveyed our good wishes and support for Japan’s bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics. 

I am satisfied that not only is our strategic partnership on a strong foundation, but that we are truly moving forward in pursuit of the vision for which we have reached out to each other with so much resolve and intensity in the past decade.” 

Courtesy: (Press Information Bureau)

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